Monday, April 13, 2009

The Uphill Climb Begins

Well, I had a bad day yesterday, physically and emotionally. I took Thursday through Sunday off from running, and Saturday and Sunday off completely (no aerobics or upper body, either). And, inexplicably, I was in more pain yesterday than I have been since the injury happened. I found this really disheartening, and finally all my pent up frustration came out and I cried for a while. I was really worried that I was never going to recover in time to be ready for the 10 miler or the half marathon.

Today, though, is 100 times better. I had very little pain when I woke up this morning, even after I did my stepper exercises. When I got home from work, I felt almost nothing, even when I lifted my knee. So, I went for a 5K run. Now I am back, and happily, I still feel almost nothing when I lift my knee. I'm trying not to get my hopes up too high, because there have been really good days followed by really bad ones. But this feels like progress.

The bad news is that my 5K run felt WAY harder than a 5K has felt in a long time. I really struggled. It was bound to happen. It was wishful thinking to hope that taking two weeks with almost no running wouldn't make my return to running hard. (But I did wishfully think it, nonetheless.) These two weeks probably set me back four weeks worth of training.

But, if the pain continues to subside in my psoas, I'm starting to regain some confidence that I'll be ready for the half, and maybe even the 10 miler if I'm lucky. I'm not looking forward to the struggle, but I made this uphill climb once, and I can do it again.

1 comment:

  1. In general, it should take you about the same amount of time to get back into running as the time you took off. If you've been off 2 weeks, it'll take you 2 weeks to get back to where you were. When I hurt my back and didn't run for 6 weeks, it took me very close to 6 weeks to get back to where I was. Hopefully it will be the same for you. Just take it easy and don't overdo it and risk re-injuring yourself.
