Wednesday, April 15, 2009

In and out....

Well, I was feeling fine to go to speed training -- tired, but not sore. The workout was a continuous 3-mile run in 200 m in-outs. Basically, 12 laps around an outdoor track going your 5K pace plus 20 seconds per mile on the first half of each lap, and your 5K pace plus about 10 seconds per mile on the second half.

I was the slowest person there again by a noticable margin, and I must admit it was discouraging to watch the friend I used to keep pace with pull farther and farther ahead (and to see the fasties finish when I had yet to finish mile 2). But, I finished the 3 miles in 27:52 -- under a 9:20 pace, which is right where I was supposed to be. Granted, there's no way I could have gone any faster than that, but still. I really have to remember that even if I'm slow compared to my teammates, I'm going pretty fast for me.

No noticeable pain. I'm tired and sore, but not hurting, really. However, I still don't feel quite right. At random times during the day and night, my hip will start to ache. Running or not running doesn't seem to matter, and it never happens if I am focused on something else, which suggests it might be partly in my head. I find this sort of worrisome, but I'm trying to be patient.

I hope soon, I just start feeling normal again.

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