Saturday, April 18, 2009

Amazing how that works when you do it right...

Well, I took the day off Friday, but went running today. I was feeling no pain at all when I started, and decided to shoot for 10K. I stayed wary of any pain I felt while running, and had to stop and ask myself a lot whether the small pains were normal or not. It's such a frustrating thing.

The good news is that I felt more like The Energizer Katie today than I have since before my injury. I didn't have that dragging, I-can-barely-make-it feeling I've been having since I started running again. I was able to go the full 10K without feeling tired or drained.

However, despite the fact that a piece of me really wanted to keep going, I did feel it would be unsafe to do so. By the end of the 10K, my psoas was quite sore again. Not enough to cause me pain while I was walking or even running, but the pain was pretty strong when I lifted my knee. Considering I wasn't feeling anything when I started, I saw that as a bad sign and quit at 10K.

When I got home, I iced the psoas for 15 minutes, and happily, that made the pain go away entirely in the space of an hour. Seems that icing thing really works when you do it properly. Imagine that.

So overall, not really a bad day. 10K (6.2 miles) is the farthest I've gone since being injured, and I feel completely recovered from it now.

The discouraging thing about this, though, is that my pace was very slow. I finished the 10K in 1:03:46, which is a 10:16 per mile pace. I'd like to say that I took it slow for safety's sake, but I honestly couldn't have pushed it any faster.

My focus this season is distance, not speed, so I'm trying not to let this get me down, but I haven't had any trouble with keeping up a 10-minute mile in a long time. I'm hoping I just had a tough day, and trying to focus on the positives, of which there are many!

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